Sunday, 9 September 2012

It was calling me...


Ok, I left the Garment District and the Meet-Up with this feeling that I didn't do the district justice and my full undivided attention, no offence to the lovely ladies that I met on Saturday, it's just that I felt there were several stores that I neglected and that I simply must return.  So on the Monday (as Sunday it is closed) I did just that.

Spandex World

So much lovely trim to adore
I am not sure how one approaches these many stores with any sense of logic, however I just went from store to store popping my head in to see if they were of interest.  Many of them were fancy dress fabrics for weddings, formals and the like, so not really to my interest.  There were loads of fabulous trim shops, but for these I think I would prefer to have a project in mind. 

I was seeking some basic fabrics to make my summer wardrobe. I found success at A& J Fabrics which had lots of good basic cottons, drills and denims.  My purchases were the below stretch drills that will be perfect to make shorts/capris.


Of course I had to head back to Mood, as I only spent about an hour and a half there previously as just needed more time!  I met the lovely Noel who looked after me.


I bought the following fabrics:

From left:  Dusky pink wool (ok this is for winter, but was so soft I couldn't resist), coordinating light floral cotton voile, taupe rayon print
This is enough fabric for me at the moment and I shouldn't have to buy anything now for ages.  I can now fully plan my summer wardrobe and will start sewing this week. Don't you just love fabulous new textiles?? 

Now I just need to start saving to return to NYC next year to make my purchases for my winter wardrobe....I wish.


  1. Love that rayon! Looks like you got some great, useful fabric.

  2. Hahaha I know what you mean-it's difficult to focus on the fabric where there are all these cool people around to socialise with! That's what happened at the Melbourne Sewist's meetup. It wasn't that hard though considering Tessuti's stocks very little that I can actually afford XD Love the pink grey combo in the last pic, that pink print looks lovely-can't wait to see what you make.

  3. It was go great to meet you! I'm glad you came back the garment district again. Can't wait to see what you do with that floral rayon.

  4. Oh drool - it's like a secret dream of mine to find co-ordinating fabrics in different fibres like your gorgeous dusky pink wool and voile - stunning colours too. Lovely!!!
