Monday, 6 May 2013

MMM - Days 2-5

So rather than do a weekly roundup as I don't know where I will be or if I will have Internet access I thought I would just post whenever I can.

Day 2
2 May
Colette Sencha blouse with jeans

Day 3

MMM'13 Day 3
So this is how I look after 20 or so hours of travelling from Brisbane to Chicago - terrible! The top is my oversize top previously blogged here, it is super comfy for travelling.

Day 4

MMM'13 Day 4
Sightseeing in Chicago in yet another previously unblogged Banksia.  This MMM is really getting through my unblogged items, yay!

Day 5

MMM'13 Day 5
The "bean" sculpture in Millennium Park - very cool. Me in the same Banksia as yesterday and Burdastyle denim skirt.


  1. Too funny! I might have bumped into you yesterday at the Bean! It was a lovely day for a walk!

    1. Oh no, wish I had known we could have arranged a meet up. I am back in a few days if you are keen?

    2. I would love that - except I'm leaving! We're headed out west for a couple weeks. But if you are ever in town again, drop me a line!

  2. I've always loved this pattern, your version looks really lovely.

  3. Cute outfits! Have a great time in Chicago-- I grew up nearby, and will always have a soft spot for it. :)
